Sqlite Driver For Javascript
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed.
SQLite is a software library that implements a
SQL database engine in the world.
The source code for SQLite is in the
Ongoing development and maintenance of SQLite is
sponsored in part by SQLite Consortium
This information is obsolete. You are looking at the
CVSTrac source management system display
for SQLite that was replaced by
information shown here has not been updated since that cut-over.
These pages are retained for historical
Other Projects That Interact With SQLite
Information On SQLite Internals
HowToCompile: Notes on compiling SQLite for various architectures.
ReadLine: License for the use of readline in sqlite.exe and hints for OSX
BuildOnWindowsWithTcl: A hack to build on windows using TCL.
SqliteBuildProcess: A described of the steps the Makefile has to go
through in order to construct SQLite
TheAmalgamation: Information about SQLite as a single big C code file.
CompilingFts: Instructions to compile fts3 with SQLite 3.5.x
PerlNotes: Includes instructions to compile a new DBD::SQLite with the latest SQLite source
Hints For Using SQLite More Effectively
ShellScript: Example shell scripts for creating databases.
SampleCode: Example C code for creating / writing to / reading from a database.
SimpleCode: Quickstart C code for executing any SQL against an SQLite database. Very basic but fully functional nevertheless.
InformationSchema: The information schema consists of a set of views that contain information
about the objects defined in the current database.
SqliteWikiFaq: A FAQ style in the wiki, ask questions about Sqlite.
IdxChk: Utility to report index usage for a query.
UndoRedo: Techniques for implementing undo/redo in a application that
uses SQLite as its primary data structure.
ConsoleForTclTk: Source code and examples for a Tk console for SQLite
TclDbEdit: A GUI SQLite database editor widget for Tcl/Tk
InteractiveTextFieldEditing: A demonstration of the edit function that
is built into the ConsoleForTclTk.
ForeignKeyTriggers: How to use triggers to implement foreign key constraints in SQLite.
ImportingFiles: How to import a variety of file formats into a SQLite database.
ScrollingCursor: How to optimise queries to limit the number of rows returned to achieve either scrolling windows or paged i.e. page X of Y results.
ProxyLocking: Overview of proxy locking, a file locking mode for network file systems.
BlueSky: Ideas for enhancements to SQLite.
ClientServer: Ideas for Client/Server enhancements to SQLite
SqliteThree: Stuff related to sqlite version 3.
WhenToUseSqlite: Notes on when SQLite is an appropriate choice for a
SqliteWebSecurity: Solutions to encrypt and secure SQLite Databases used in Web Development.
SQLite Home Page
Wiki Index
You are looking at the CVSTrac source management system display for SQLite that was replaced by Fossil Driver to access SQLite through ODBC SQLite Proposals.
SQLite JDBC Driver. Project Home Wiki Issues Source Export to GitHub. READ-ONLY: SQLite JDBC is a library for creating and accessing SQLite database files.
Using the database SQLite with VBScript in HTML Programs. by David Halls. An ODBC Driver for SQLite which is available from Christian Werner s website.
SQLite Cloud Driver OData APIs for SQLite. A lightweight server-side application that proxies live SQLite data, making it easily accessible across platforms and devices.
Installation. Before we start using SQLite in our Java programs, we need to make sure that we have SQLite JDBC Driver and Java set up on the machine.